RGB-D Object Dataset The dataset contains 300 objects (aka instance) in 51 categories. The name of each object follows the format _, e.g. apple_1 is the first object (instance) in the "apple" category. Each instance consists of multiple RGB-D frames that come from three video sequences. This part of the dataset contains the cropped RGB-D frames that tightly include the object, exactly as used in the object recognition evaluation of the paper introducing the RGB-D Object Dataset. There is another part of the dataset available containing 3D point clouds, in PCD format readable with the ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL), as well as a part containing the full 640x480 images from sensor. Windows users: The dataset was compressed into a tarball using Linux. Some Windows extractors have problems reading the files. One program that can be used to extract the data in Windows is 7zip ( http://www.7-zip.org/ ). Open the single file extracted from the tarball again with 7zip to unpack it into a directory. The files are named as follows: __