RGB-D Object Dataset The dataset contains 300 objects (aka instance) in 51 categories. The name of each object follows the format _, e.g. apple_1 is the first object (instance) in the "apple" category. Each instance consists of multiple RGB-D frames that come from three video sequences. This part of the dataset contains the 3D point clouds of views of each object, in PCD format readable with the ROS Point Cloud Library (PCL). There is a part of the dataset available containing cropped images of the objects for extracting visual features, and another part of the dataset containing the full 640x480 images from sensor. Windows users: The dataset was compressed into a tarball using Linux. Some Windows extractors have problems reading the files. One program that can be used to extract the data in Windows is 7zip ( http://www.7-zip.org/ ). Open the single file extracted from the tarball again with 7zip to unpack it into a directory. The files are named as follows: __