Detection-based Object Labeling in 3D Scenes Kevin Lai, Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren, and Dieter Fox. ICRA 2012, May 2012. Software Authors: Kevin Lai Liefeng Bo This software implements the 3D scene labeling technique in the above paper. The software has been run with MATLAB R2012b ( 64-bit (glnxa64) on a linux machine. The package also includes an unmodified copy of liblinear for convenience. Before you run, you may need to compile the .cc files in rgbd/ and setup gco and qrot3d in the util folder for your machine architecture. The main MATLAB scripts to run are: rgbdtrain(category) - Train a category sliding window detector rgbdscenelabeling(seq) - Run sliding window detectors on a video sequence to generate object probability maps rgbdvideotest(seq) - Stitch together the video sequence into a 3D scene and label it Navigate to object_labeling/rgbd and run the above scripts from there. They will dump results into the following directories: object_labeling/rgbd/model - The category detector models object_labeling/rgbd/results_det - probabilistic score maps for each video sequence object_labeling/rgbd/results_mrf - 3D scene labeling results. The ply files are labeled 3D point clouds and can be opened with MeshLab ( ) To run the code and reproduce the results in the paper, you will also need to download the data at: Place the train, background, test, and groundtruth tarballs under object_labeling/rgbd/rgbddata and the aligned_rgbd_scenes under object/labeling/rgbd See rgbdrunall.m for an example of how to run everything. Note that actually running it serially like that will take a long time. You can train all 5 category detectors in parallel, then run scene labeling on all 8 video sequences in parallel). If you use this software, please cite: Detection-based Object Labeling in 3D Scenes Kevin Lai, Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren, and Dieter Fox. ICRA 2012, May 2012.