RGB-D Object Dataset
- Unsupervised Feature Learning for 3D Scene Labeling
K. Lai, L. Bo, and D. Fox. ICRA 2014, May 2014.
Finalist for Best Vision Paper Award.
- RGB-D Object Recognition: Features, Algorithms, and a Large Scale Benchmark
K. Lai, L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. In Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision: Research Topics and Applications, 2013.
- Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Based Object Recognition
L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. ISER 2012, June 2012.
- Detection-based Object Labeling in 3D Scenes
K. Lai, L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. ICRA 2012, May 2012.
- Hierarchical Matching Pursuit for Image Classification: Architecture and Fast Algorithms
L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. NIPS 2011, December 2011.
- Depth Kernel Descriptors for Object Recognition
L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. IROS 2011, September 2011.
- A Scalable Tree-based Approach for Joint Object and Pose Recognition
K. Lai, L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. AAAI 2011, August 2011.
- Object Recognition with Hierarchical Kernel Descriptors
L. Bo, K. Lai, X. Ren, and D. Fox. CVPR 2011, June 2011.
- Sparse Distance Learning for Object Recognition Combining RGB and Depth Information
K. Lai, L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. ICRA 2011, May 2011.
Best Vision Paper Award.
- A Large-Scale Hierarchical Multi-View RGB-D Object Dataset
K. Lai, L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. ICRA 2011, May 2011.
- Kernel Descriptors for Visual Recognition
L. Bo, X. Ren, and D. Fox. NIPS 2010, December 2010.
Publications with experiments using the RGB-D Object Dataset (Non-Exhaustive List)
- Learning to Discover Objects in RGB-D Images Using Correlation Clustering
Michael Firman, Diego Thomas, Simon Julier and Akihiro Sugimoto. IROS 2013, Nov 2013.
- Joint Object and Pose Recognition using Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis
H. Zhang, T. El-Gaaly, and A. Elgammal. AAAI 2013, July 2013.
- RGBD object pose recognition using local-global multi-kernel regression
T. El-Gaaly, M. Torki, A. Elgammal, and M. Singh. ICPR 2012, Nov 2012.
- Tutorial: Point Cloud Library: Three-Dimensional Object Recognition and 6 DOF Pose Estimation.
A. Aldoma, Z-C. Marton, F. Tombari, W. Wohlkinger, C. Potthast, B. Zeisl, R. B. Rusu, S. Gedikli, and M. Vincze. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2012.
- A Learned Feature Descriptor for Object Recognition in RGB-D Data
M. Blum, J. T. Springenberg, J. Wülfing and M. Riedmiller. ICRA 2012, May 2012.
(Please write to us if you have suggestions of other papers or would like to have your publications included here.)